I know what I believe about eating food is radically different from my average peers, and I am not ashamed of it. Although I don't think I have reached the optimum of my health yet, I like to believe that what I am doing is a small step in that direction.
1. Almost every modern ailment (even acne and PMS) is largely caused by the modern lifestyle that has alienated us from being with and living in nature. This is explicit in our modern diets. We don't seem to remember and appreciate fresh, natural and unprocessed fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and vegetables. The keyword is 'unprocessed'. Unprocessed foods have the most nutrients. When I say 'nutrients', I mean more than carbs, proteins and fats. I am talking about minerals, vitamins and other micronutrients I will probably never know. They are different from those in pills, tablets or capsules. Our ancestors didn't need health supplements for good health.
2. Eating a traditional diet is key to health. When I say "traditional", I mean eating like how our ancestors did. Their diet was simple and as closest to being natural as possible. When food was not eaten raw, it was cooked in a straightforward manner, with natural and uncomplicated ingredients. No MSG required. This concept is, however, much less simple than it sounds. Because we are so ingrained in the modern culture of preparing and eating food, you will be horrified to learn that even the healthiest things around like soy milk (even those using non-GMO beans) aren't as healthy as they seem to be.
3. You don't need to be a raw vegan to reap health benefits. As long as you start incorporating fresh and unprocessed fruits and vegetables into your diet, you should feel better. There was a period when I experimented with raw veganism, but I felt my body wasn't responding well to such a diet. Raw in moderation works for me, at least for now.
4. I believe in proper food combining to optimise digestion and assimilation of food. Some of you may scoff at it. But from my dietary mishaps, I am convinced that certain food combinations should never ever (!!!) be taken together as they slow down and impair digestion, thus causing malabsorption of nutrients and proliferation of bad microbes. For example, starch and (meat) protein should NEVER go together.
5. I believe in the (alternative) health concept of acidity versus alkalinity. Maintaining an internal body pH at alkaline levels is essential to optimal cellular functions. And most alkaline food are those fresh, natural, unprocessed plant-based food. Okay, I know this may sound bullsh*t to some of you. Well, I am a nursing student trained in modern medicine. How can I not know? It's not as though I am unaware of the buffer systems in the human body.
6. I don't believe that eating animal and animal-based products is inherently bad. In the modern civilisation, however, I believe that consumers should purchase such products with caution. Most animals are bred on confined grounds and force-fed with chemically-loaded food. Think about hormones and antibiotics. Animals we eat now are not the same as those in the past. When we consume their products, we are consuming their poisons. It is hard to find products derived from animals reared in humane conditions so for me, my option is to go towards veganism.