
These is a (growing) list of books which I have read and found informative and inspiring. 

Raw Food Life Force Energy by Natalia Rose
This was the book that started everything for me.  I was attracted to the idea that healthy foods are those which contain life force energy.  In other words, they are whole and living foods, which when consumed into our bodies, transfer their energy to us and make us feel alive. 
Detox for Women by Natalia Rose
Detoxification is not a novel concept as more and more people come to realise that their health problems are increasingly difficult to treat and manage by orthodox medicine.  The book focuses on detox in women, many of whom are suffering from one form of yeast infection or other as a consequence of the modern diet.  The concept of yeast infection being rampant in many of us is very interesting, because orthodox medicine says that overt yeast infections occur only in the immunocompromised people.  However, the high-sugar content in the typical modern diet breeds yeast colonies in our bodies, which in turn, produce many health ailments common in civilised societies.

Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond
The book introduces the concept of proper food combination as the key to optimal digestive health.  I am fascinated with the idea of food combining, and think that there is some truth in it.  For example, I think fruits should not be eaten immediately before and after a meal as its digestion will be delayed, causing fermentation.  At least for myself, I tend to experience gas when I do that, which is very uncomfortable.  Although I am not entirely convinced that good food combination alone can contribute to weight loss, the book does support the notion of having a 'traditional' diet based on fresh, natural and unprocessed foods obtained from the environment.